Baxter’s Story

I talked to Baxter today. Unfortunately I still have a hard time talking to animals directly, and sorting out the source of information, so I asked Nedda, my “dog whisperer” to help me talk to him.
It started out rough, Nedda had a hard time tuning into his energy. Baxter did not want to talk to her, and did not want to be seen. Nedda only sensed a dark energy. She asked me to reassure Baxter and explain to him what’s happening. After my pep talk, and Nedda taking a few “steps” back, he slowly started to come out. I asked if he likes living with us. He said he was not sure that he was staying. He said he was scared. After a few minutes Nedda gained enough of his trust that he told us why he was scared. Nedda said she could see a man bending over him and beating him with a rolled up newspaper.
“Oh, Nedda,” I replied,” that was not newspaper, that was a stick. He is deathly afraid of sticks and I had suspected that someone had hurt him.”
“They wanted me to fight, that’s why they hit me, he says.”
“He is sobbing now. Grief, anger, fear, shame…he is starting to let it all go…He is feeling better now.”
“Let me ask him how he feels about other dogs he met recently,” Nedda said.
“He does not know how to relate to them, how to make friends.”
“Why does he urinate sometimes, when people pet him?” I ask.
“He says he knows not make a mess in the house, he tries very hard to be a good dog, but he is scared when people bend over him.”
“He seems to like me…”
“He is taking a chance with you, he says.”
“Did he like the party?” (then I explained to Nedda about Baxter’s party last Friday).
“He did not understand why everyone was talking about him. It was almost too much love to take in.”
“Does he like it when I give him Reiki?”
“It makes him sleepy, he says.”
“Oh, yes! He falls asleep in my arms!”
“That’s good, Baxter, it helps you relax!” Nedda tells him.
“How does he feel about Kati?”
“Oh, he just gave me that look, when a teenager is in love…He loves her so much!”


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