The 60th Mom


Last Friday night I was snuggling with my daughters, who were a bit cranky over their perceived lack of sharing, fairness, and all thing being equal. In frustration, I burst out that they need to clone me 10, 20, no, a hundred times! One of me just to follow them around and jump at every request. Another me just to do laundry so every clothing item would be clean and neatly pressed each day. Another me to sew clothes and pillows for everyone. Another me to teach them sports and take them to events. Another me in charge of their beauty supply and do makeup, hair, manicure, pedicure.

Kati joined the challenge and kept adding more full-time moms to the growing list. I snuck in a version of me who would sign up at the local racquet club and plays tennis all day. At number 60 Kati offered me a huge break: a mom who sleeps all day and all night to make up for the other 59 moms going 24/7.

Well, kids, I got news for you. There is only one of me, and even that one will not be around forever, at least not in physical form. Sooner or later you will have to find your inner spring of happiness.

At 10p.m. our snuggle time came to a close. I ushered the girls out of my room and I pretended to be Mom #60, for at least the next 9 hours.


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