The Green Sage

After submitting my latest report on a more sustainable chemical reaction I am heading out for a lunchtime walk in the woods. Walking the three-mile trail around the campus always recharges my batteries, and brings clarity to my short- and long-term purpose.  My life has recently been expanding in so many directions with incredible speed, I need to maintain my focus.

After one mile I take a break and sit down on a bench to talk with my Dad. “Daddy, I want to tell you, that my life has so much joy and abundance. I am healthy, and have tons of energy. Sure, some things are difficult, but most of the times I can see the why-s and able to appreciate the challenges pushing me forward relentlessly. But doing it all, and doing it well, is overwhelming. I really enjoy my green chemistry job, but I would love to promote my book as well. I want to touch millions of hearts! To let them experience a mindful and soulful way of living! But I am no publisher, and no marketer! Where do I start? I would really appreciate some hints, like the time when I overheard two people talking about Reiki (remember, I took the class as soon as I could), or my colleague a few weeks ago commenting on someone else’s tennis game (did you enjoy my awesome backhand yesterday? Third time on the court, I think I play better now than in my prime ten years ago!). So you see, I follow your breadcrumbs without hesitation. And now I need some help pulling all this together: healing the environment, and healing people’s hearts.”

Leaving my plea in the woods, I head back on the trail. Suddenly my inner voice answers. “You can do both, and do them well. You were meant to take on both responsibilities.”

Awestruck, I stop in my track. I raise my head toward the sky with deep gratitude. When I became aware of the woods again, I notice two people jogging toward me. Oh, it’s him again! He always shows up in the exact moment! The man on the right…he looks just like my dad.

They pass by me. I wipe away my tears. Time to return to the other world.

A few minutes later I am walking toward a man exercising at one of the fitness stations. The logo on his back…it catches my eyes. Nowadays anything starting with “green” grabs my attention…

The GREEN SAGE restaurant


Yes. I’ll take that!


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